Product Description
Fully sealed, fully insulated, maintenance-free, reliable to ensurepersonal safety; compact structure, small and beautiful appearance.stainless steel double-laver box, the service life of up to 20 years ormore; in the absence of the impact of the silicone rubber cable, Themain network running under the premise. To achieve regional poweroutages, reduce the power outage range, can be equipped with one ormore SFe load switch. Wiring flexible and diverse, branch outlet up toeight loops; optional arrester, short circuit fault indicator, current limitingfuse, to meet the various requirements of users.
pre-made with a touchable slicone rubber cable head, fully sealed, allinsulated, maintenance-free, reliableto ensure personal safety,;ecompact structure, small andbeautiful appearance, stainless steel dolible box, the service life of up to 20 ydoes not affect the operationears or more,f the main network under the premise of threduce the scope of power outages;can be equipped with one orregional power outage maintenance,more SFe load switch. Wiring flexible andeoptional arrester, short circuidiverse, branch outlet up to 8 loop;fault indicator, current limiting fuse, to mBet the various requirements of users.