HXGN -12 (SFG) unit of the exchange of metal closed ing nelwok switchaear (hereinater refeed to as rina network cabinet is ou introducionof foreign advanced technology and in accordance with the domestic agnicultural and urban network transfomation of the requirements of their owndesign, successful development of a new generation High voltage electical products. The technical peformance indicators of al1EC62271-2002003 and GB3906 standards.The main switch, operating mechanism and components of the ring cabinet are ABB original original HAD / US type SF6Cabinet by CNC machine tools afer riveting, protecion level to lP3X, and a reliable mechanical intenock and ant-misuse funcion. This product hasa very small size. light weicht good looks, easy to operate. long life. hiah parameters, no poluion less mainlenance and olher sionificant fealuresHXGN _ -12 (SF6) unit type Ac metal closed ring network switch equipment, suitable for pay 50Hz, 12kV power network, as the acceptance anddistribution of energy purposes. The main switch in the cabinet is SF6 switch.XGN15.120VS1) box ivpe fixed metal closed ring nelwork switch eauipment (hereinafer referred to as ring nelwork cabinet, the Department o12KV three-phase AC $0Hz power supply system complete sets of power distribution devices.The switch device is based on indoor high-votage vacuum circuit breaker, and the whole cabinet is air-insulated, can be widely used in urban powelgnid construcion and transformation, suitable for industrial and mining enterprises, high-rise buidings, residential quarters, hospitals, schoolsparks Distibuion system, as the acceptance and distibution of electical eneray purposes, Suitable for distribulion automalion. both compact andexpandable metal-enclosed switchgear, mainly for ring network power supply and terminal power supply, also suitable for loading pre-installedsubstation.
ambient temperature: upper limit +40 'C , the lower limit of -25 °C.altitude,altitude does not exceed 2000m* relative temperature. daily average of not more than 95%, monthly average of not more than 90%. the surounding environment. the surrounding ar from corosive gases or flammable gases, water vapor and other obvious polution,no frequent severe vibration.